I just got Spam in my Newgrounds inbox. Who would even think to try Newgrounds to spam people for an internet dating site? Seriously, how does one come to this conclusion?
So here's the message:
Hello there.
I was browsin through here, & I hit your profile. You look like you're a reasonably cool person, but I'm quite new at this sorta thing, & don't really know my way around here. Shouldn't they have a chat here? I hate writing to people, and maybe never getting an answer. Anyways, if you wanna chatting with me, you can catch me over at friends-club.org?id=3590 , my name over there is shadee_flirt.
So, ya, hope to see you. always looking to meet more people.
Robin Bennett
Seriously? I've sent Wade a PM about this, not sure what their policy is but still. I never thought it would happen here
I got it as well. I simply ignored the message.