

Philadelphia, PA

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RandomFilms's News

Posted by RandomFilms - May 31st, 2016

Been a while since I've done anything on newgrounds. Mainly because of the lack of motivation. I have a bunch of ideas just never get around to it cause I know I'll never finish it. I always intended to try frame-by-frame animation but just hasn't happen. For the past few years I have been drawing a webcomic I really love the turn around time with it. But recently I was diagnosed with tendinitis and all I can draw, is pain. So I currently have no idea how long it will be until I can draw again. I hate not having updates for my site, no matter what I always try to get something out on time. Which is why I'm writing this, I would love to have some guest artist to provide a few pages while I recover. Something non canon and fun. You can use my characters, your characters, parody of someone elses, etc. But you must have full permission to use it and allow me to post it on my site.

If you're interested in helping me out check out the webcomic www.LCScomic.com and send me a message.

Thank you.

Posted by RandomFilms - July 10th, 2010

So as some of you may know Newgrounds Office had a little get together for Robot Day. There wasn't a big turn out but it was still fun. My former roommate pacdude was around for some of it. Sat around, watched and played some of today's submissions. The game The Rocketeer by chickendance333 was a notable one. The game was insanely difficult, specially because of the screen projection, I found it's much easier just on a computer in terms of sitting and where the mouse is. In fact it became a mission to try and beat. Bob and Richie (or was it just Rich? I believe he's an intern) were really into it. The type of mouse they used at first was difficult so basically two people were playing the game at once. For an hour straight than we took a break. We still haven't beaten it.

This game is so frustrating when playing alone but with a group is fun as hell. The whole building cheers when we passed a level. A good time with friends if you have a large enough screen. Great concept, but just too damn hard.

As the title says I also had a chance to meet the lovely Hania and her husband, which was a really treat because she definitely have to be the best musician on Newgrounds. I had a great time talking to them specially since Hania had the foresight to bring some Captain Morgan. Tim and I played them in pool an actually won despite my huge lack of skills. Seems they're really enjoying their trip to the states which is great. I really have to use her music in something, hopefully that will be a motivator to work on the projects I've had on the back burner.

Also my submission for Robot Day Art

So I Met Tom Fulp (Yet Again), Oh and Hania Too

Posted by RandomFilms - June 19th, 2009

So I went to Wizard World Philly for the day. Mainly because I had to give Tom Fulp a coffee cup my school promised him. I saw Nathan again who was filming for the documentary. I got to meet Happy Harry, Kirbopher, his friend Michael, Egorapter, Stamper, TomaMoto, Mattwho just created a new account after really being inspired by people there, and a bunch more I'm probably forgetting.

So the NG both had cartoons from the site playing as well as another tv for people to play games like Portal Defenders, Newgrounds Rumble, and Castle Crashers: The Beard. It was a very chill environment. It was also cool hearing the creators talk about their cartoons and just as cool to say to people "See that cartoon, that guy made it, bow to his awesomeness". Egorapter, Kirb, and Mike spent a lot of time lying around drawing.

So over all, it was very cool to meet some of Newgrounds best animators and anyone in Philly area should consider stopping by the convention and checking it out.

So I Met Tom Fulp (Again)... Again

Posted by RandomFilms - March 19th, 2009

I just got Spam in my Newgrounds inbox. Who would even think to try Newgrounds to spam people for an internet dating site? Seriously, how does one come to this conclusion?

So here's the message:

Hello there.

I was browsin through here, & I hit your profile. You look like you're a reasonably cool person, but I'm quite new at this sorta thing, & don't really know my way around here. Shouldn't they have a chat here? I hate writing to people, and maybe never getting an answer. Anyways, if you wanna chatting with me, you can catch me over at friends-club.org?id=3590 , my name over there is shadee_flirt.

So, ya, hope to see you. always looking to meet more people.
Robin Bennett

Seriously? I've sent Wade a PM about this, not sure what their policy is but still. I never thought it would happen here

Posted by RandomFilms - February 20th, 2009

So as I mention before I was invited to be interviewed for the Newgrounds documentary "Everything by Everyone". So I got to go down to the Newgrounds office. I was pretty cool, I'm certain I'll make the final cut, may only be a shot here or there but still very cool. He said the documentary won't be finished at least until comic-con san diego cause he really wants to get footage from there.

So then Tom Fulp gave me a tour of the newgrounds office. It was pretty cool and seems like a fun place to work. I met most of the staff, I even caught something Mind Chamber was working on for the NG Awards. I also saw the Tank trophies which are pretty heavy. I won't mention what, but it's pretty cool. And Tom Fulp made Johnny Utah do the Tankmen voice, to which he reluctantly said a line (I forget which though). He also said he was working a new one though my start over since he hated what he had. There were also a few guys playing street fighter 4.

Overall it was really fun, Tom Fulp even gave me STICKERS! I'm proud that I didn't do anything too geeky though I did get my picture taken with P-Bot. So look upon me and envy my newly formed greatness!

So I Met Tom Fulp (Again)

Posted by RandomFilms - February 18th, 2009

I now have my very own series page!!! It turns out in order to get a series page all you have to do is meet Tom Fulp in real life slip him $50 and the whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Okay that last part was pretty awkward but it worked!

So check it out:

http://www.newgrounds.com/collection/t hemikeweisssaga

Posted by RandomFilms - February 14th, 2009

Yep, he came to my school (La Salle University) to give a presentation. It was very cool and informative. I learned a lot about newground's history that I didn't know about. Plus we got some little tidbits about new things they're working on for the site. Plus afterwords a few of us talked to him for actually about 2 hours. It was really cool and interesting.

Also I might get interviewed for a newgrounds documentary as well as have my own series page. Also I shook his hand here's hoping some of that Fulpy goodness rubs off!

Posted by RandomFilms - January 23rd, 2009

So I have animated all the episode till ep 20 already and will release them both on my site and on Newgrounds weekly, most likely Fridays Starting today with Episode 16. So keep an eye out.

Also I've recently discovered what 3d max can do and I'm freaking loving it, you can see my new render of my logo on my user page and in my avatar.

Posted by RandomFilms - November 21st, 2008

And hopefully I can keep to the schedule I made myself. Hopefully ep 13 will be out before thanksgiving and episode 14 and 15 before christmas

Posted by RandomFilms - September 5th, 2007

Well after a length absence I've finally started posting my current series on New Grounds, I hope its well received. There will be 6 more after this already done, next one will be out in, say, two weeks. And I am working on episode 8.